Below are the formal and polite equivalents (synonyms) of 'so' which you can use in your business or professional pieces of writing.

'So' has a number of different meanings. Below are synonyms for it which are used when you want to give or explain what the consequences or the results of something happening are or will be.


Used to explain/give what the consequences of something are.

'We have still not received payment for your last order with us. Therefore, you will be unable to order any further products from us until we do.'


With this meaning, it is used to explain/give what the consequences of something are. This should only be used in very formal pieces of writing.

'Our testing has shown that the problem is caused by a specific part in the machine. Thus, we will replace this part in the coming days.'

As a consequence

Used to explain/give what the consequences of something are.

'You have not responded to our previous emails regarding your attendance at the event. As a consequence, we have given the tickets to another organisation.'

You can also use 'consequently' in exactly the same way.

'You have not responded to our previous emails regarding your attendance at the event. Consequently, we have given the tickets to another organisation.'

As a result

Used to explain/give what the consequences of something are.

'Our testing has shown that the problem is caused by a specific part in the machine. As a result, we will replace this part in the coming days.'

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