Below are the formal and polite ways of giving additional information about something (like using 'and') which you can use in your business or professional pieces of writing.

If you want to use these instead of 'and', make sure that you use the same sentence structure as is shown in the examples for each.

In addition to

This is normally used to connect/link the information in two sentences together.

'I will call the client in the next few days to see if they still have any problems. In addition to calling the client, I will also send them an email.'


This can be used to both connect/link two pieces of information together in the same sentence and connect/link the information in two sentences together.

'Besides calling the client, I will also send them an email to see if they still have any problems.'

'I will call the client in the next few days to see if they still have any problems. Besides calling the client, I will also send them an email.'

Not only..., but

This is normally used to connect/link two pieces of information together in the same sentence. If you use it, you need to use a question like structure (e.g. 'did he...', 'were they...' etc...) directly after the 'Not only'.

'Not only will I call the client, but I will also send them an email to see if they still have any problems.'

Along with

This is normally used to connect/link two pieces of information together in the same sentence.

'Along with calling the client, I will also send them an email to see if they still have any problems.'

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