Good Afternoon Peter,
Further to your last email regarding the proposed changes to the design of the company's website. I can confirm that no decision has yet been taken and will not be until next month.
With regards to your concerns about the cost of the new design of the website being excessive, I'm afraid that I cannot agree with your opinion. I appreciate why you believe that spending $600,000 is excessive. I can reassure you that we have done everything possible to reduce the overall cost of the project. In fact, the original offers we received for the project were around $750,000.
Taking into consideration both the size of the website and the work involved in redesigning and updating the website, in my opinion, $600,000 is a very good price.
You yourself agreed that the current design of our company's website looks old and the website is difficult to use. If we do not carry out design changes in the near future, we will not only lose more potential customers, but it will also damage our brand image in the market.
I would be happy to forward to you a copy of the project plan and the estimated costs. May I suggest that you look at these first and if you have any suggestions of how the cost can be reduced further, I would be pleased to hear them.
I hope this addresses your concerns.
If you want to discuss this matter further, don't hesitate to contact me on my mobile, 676 005 451.
Best regards,
William Smith
IT Web Manager
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