Interviewer:'Returning to your position as a sales team leader, it must have been very stressful? How did you cope with the pressure?'
Candidate:'Of course there is a lot of pressure in this type of role. The most important thing is that you have to meet your targets. My team had to sell a minimum of 2000 mobile phones every month. But I wouldn't say it was stressful, for me it was more challenging. I had to manage a team, something which I'd never done before. So I had to learn how to delegate tasks to the members of my team.
Another thing I learnt is how to react when things don't go right, when you have setbacks. You learn what you should and shouldn't do when things go wrong. I also gained experience. I learnt so much about both working in a sales environment and managing people.
Being able to solve problems and see the results of your work is very rewarding. For me, the job was extremely fulfilling, I always went to work with a smile on my face.'
Interviewer:'So you were fulfilled with what you did there. Excellent! But what did your managers think of your performance?'
Candidate:'All of my performance reviews showed that I not only met my personal and team targets, but I exceeded them. Sometimes 50% higher than my targets. For the two years I was in that position, I got very good performances bonuses, about $5,000 each time. In fact, one of my references is from my old manager there.'