Juan:'Peter, have you seen the global email about the restructuring of the company. It says that the Board of Directors are going to make an announcement by the end of the month. What is the Board of Directors?'
Peter:'The Board of Directors or as it is often called 'The Board', is the group of people who make the big decisions about the company. About what we do and how we do it.'
Juan:'So they are the owners of the company?'
Peter:'In some companies they are, but in our case because we're a large multinational company, they aren't. Here, they are employed by the owners, the shareholders, to oversee or supervise the company for them. The board is non-executive, which means they aren't involved in the day-to-day running of the company. The most important member of The Board is called the Chairman, in some companies the Chairman is called the President.'
Juan:'So, if they don't run or manage the company, who does?'
Peter:'In our company the person responsible for the day-to-day running of the company is the Managing Director. He or she is the most senior manager in a company. In the United States this position has a different name, it is called the Chief Executive Officer.'
Juan:'So, what does a Finance Director do? Are they non-executive also?'
Peter:'No, a Finance Director is the job title for a senior manager who is responsible for the Finance Department. They are less senior than the Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer, who they have to report to. Normally, the boss or head of each department is called a Director, like Sales Director or IT Director. In America, the title of this position is Chief Financial Officer etc...'
Juan:'I think I understand. So under them in the company structure you have managers, like us. And under the managers, you have supervisors. Is that right?'
Peter:'Basically. Although today it is more common to call a supervisor, a team leader. They make sure that staff are doing what they should. Then under them, you have analysts and assistants, who don't have any management responsibilities. In theory the job title of analyst is for a position where they have to analyse information or data, for example a Business Analyst analyses data to find trends. An assistant is the general job title for a normal member of staff, like a Customer Care Assistant. But the actual title of this position depends on the company (some companies have different names for it).'