Speaker:'Good Morning ladies and gentlemen. First of all, let me start by thanking you for attending this presentation. I understand that everybody is very busy. So your attendance is very much appreciated.
My name is Russel Grants and I work as the European human resources manager for LPS. Which I have done for the past 5 years. I have worked in the field of human resources in various companies since I left university, nearly 20 years ago.
In this presentation, I am going to talk to you about why your staff are lazy and unproductive, or to put it another way, how employers and managers mismanage their staff.
Today's presentation is divided into three parts, which I will tell you about now. To begin with, I will give an overview of how current employee under-performance is costing companies millions in lost revenue, every minute of every day. Then I will explain the causes of this under-performance. And finally, I will outline an easy method to rectify this problem, which will keep your staff motivated and more productive.
If you have any questions, I would be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.
But before we start the first part, ask yourselves, what you would do if you could reduce the relative labour cost of each product you manufacture or sell, or each service you provide? As you all well know, labour normally accounts for about 40% of total costs in most businesses. A lot of money! Money which could be spent in other areas like Research and Development(R&D) or by reducing the price of your product.'