Peter:'So you are now on taxiway S. What do you have to do when the taxiway crosses/intersects with runway 14? What did the controller ask you to do when you reach there?'
Juan:'I think the controller told me to 'hold short of runway 14'. So can I cross the runway then?'
Peter:'No, you can't. When a controller tells you to 'hold short' of something, you have to stop in front of it and wait until they give permission to cross or go on it.'
Juan:'But where should I stop?'
Peter:'When you arrive at the intersection, you'll see some yellow lines marked on the taxiway just in front of the runway. This is called a holding position and this is where you have to stop in front of.'
Juan:'Ok. I've received a message from the controller saying state your position.'
Peter:'The controller is asking you to tell him where you are? Which taxiway you are on and what taxiway or runway you are in front of. You need to reply that you are on taxiway S and that you are approaching runway 14.'
Juan:'So, I say 'United 231, on S, approaching runway 14'.'
Peter:'That's right. So tell the controller.'
10 seconds after telling the controller the message
Juan:'The controller has said to continue your approach. Which I suppose means to continue where I am going?'
Peter:'Yes it does.'
1 minute later, when stopped at the intersection with the runway
Juan:'Now what do I do?'
Peter:'You can contact the controller to tell him where you are. When you are stopped at a holding position, to tell the controller where you are, you say short of followed by what you are stopped in front of and then what taxiway you are on.'
Juan:'So, I would say 'United 231, short of runway 14 on S'?'
Peter:'That's right.'
5 seconds after giving the controller the message
Juan:'So what now?'
Peter:'With all the runways at an airport, you have to wait until you get permission from the controller to cross them. If you cross one without permission, it's called a runway incursion. It's not only dangerous, but you'll get punished for it.'
Juan:'The controller has said 'cleared to cross runway 14'. That means I can cross it now?'
Peter:'That's right.'
Juan:'The controller is asking me to 'report when clear of runway 14'. I suppose I have to tell him when I've crossed the runway. But what do I say?'
Peter:'I'll tell you when you've crossed.'